Computing resources for businesses
Companies, startups, SMEs, ETIs, major groups and manufacturers can access national high-performance computing resources, converged with AI, free of charge for open research projects. Companies wishing to make use of GENCI's computing resources can do so under the two annual calls for projects.
Companies and their contribution to open research
The allocation to and use by companies of computing hours on GENCI's national resources is free of charge. It implies that they publish their results in a logic of open research.
Open science consists in the dissemination of research publications and data and aims to build an ecosystem in which science is more transparent, faster and more universally accessible.
To find out more about the terms and conditions of access to national resources:
GENCI at the service of startups and SMEs
- Competence Center
The European Competence Center project EuroCC aims to create national competence centers enabling companies to have a single point of contact for all questions relating to digital simulation, including access to training and computing machines. It takes over from SiMSEO.
SiMSEO began in 2016 with the aim of raising awareness among SMEs of the use of HPC and AI, based on a concrete proof of concept on HPC facilities with tailored support from experts drawn from academia. The SiMSEO project will be amplified to all regions and fields of innovation, such as AI DeepTechs or quantum computing.
Emblematic and recognized projects
The national HPC and AI computing resources of the three computing centers and regional mesocenters have enabled startups, SMEs and industrial groups to produce recognized results.
Some examples of company projects and results:
- Nukkai
- Bloom and the Big Science project
- Plantnet
- Continental Joliot-Curie tires
- CEA project
- Emblematic Simseo/EuroCC result: Braintale project
- Company result having calculated at CINES