GENCI's missions
GENCI supports French scientific and industrial competitiveness through its three missions:
- Implement the national strategy of equipping France with highperformance computing, storage and massive data processing resources associated with AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies and future quantum computing technologies for the benefit of French and European open scientific research, relying on the three national computing centers ;
- Support the creation of an integrated ecosystem for HPC, AI and quantum computing on a national and European scale;
- Promote digital simulation through HPC for academic and industrial open research teams
GENCI associates

GENCI is a civil company 49% owned by the French State represented by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, 20% by the CEA, 20% by the CNRS, 10% by France Universités and 1% by Inria.
GENCI concretely
GENCI acquires national HPC resources, i.e. supercomputers and storage facilities.
The supercomputers acquired by GENCI under specific procedures are hosted and operated by its Associates' three national computing centers: the CINES (France Universités); the IDRIS (CNRS) and the TGCC (CEA).
GENCI allocates computing hours mainly through two annual calls for projects for requests for large resources. Researchers wishing to use the resources and be supported in doing so must submit an application under the "DARI" (Demande d'attribution de ressources informatiques) via the "edari"
The allocation procedure mobilizes 11 Thematic Committees in particular. It benefits from ISO 9001 certification.
The use of national HPC resources is matched by a commitment to publish within the framework of open science regulations and recommendations.
- GENCI contributes to the promotion of numerical simulation through dissemination actions, enhancement of scientific production mobilizing its resources and communication actions.